CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Penny Olwage: GHOH (Survivor)

My journey started in April 2022 when I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. In June, I started with my chemotherapy, and it has been very rough for me. I will start with the radiation therapy once my chemo is completed. I have been blessed to be able to still work through all this and I still try to go to my Zumba classes even when its’s been a tough day. One of the things I asked my Oncologist is to please not make me sick before I am sick. I have a wonderful support group (family, friends and Zumba team) that is always available to help me when I have one of my off days.

My cancer organisation has supported me from the very beginning. From the time that I heard my diagnosis they have been checking up on me making sure if I needed anything (information, help etc) and even now with a wig, as I am losing my hair because of the treatment. During my treatment they have also been supporting me and giving me information about support groups that I can join and other survivors that can share their experiences with me.

I love getting my friends together to support CANSA Relay For Life and knowing that I am playing a part in growing the event in my community. I enjoy making people aware of the event and sharing my experience with them as there are still a lot of people who are not aware of the event or the role that CANSA plays in our community.

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