“I want to inspire others”
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 36 years ago. I realised that I have to fight this disease as my children were very young and my husband had passed away a couple of months earlier.
At the time there was little or no support and resources in the little town of Douglas where I lived and I had to rely on family and friends for support. Ten years ago when I moved to Kimberley I was introduced to CANSA Relay For Life and I immediately became involved and trained to become a CANSA volunteer.
CANSA Relay For Life has enriched my life. It is an honour to meet fellow survivors and to celebrate life with them.
We must celebrate life as survivors and show people that life can continue despite a cancer diagnosis. We must support those receiving treatment, and I find it very special to light candles and pay tribute to those who have lost their battle against cancer.
It is my passion to bring hope and joy to survivors. Once a month I visit the Oncology Department at Kimberley Hospital and serve tea and coffee to the patients. During October we give special goodie bags to the breast cancer survivors in memory of May, a cousin of one of our survivors.
I want to inspire people and give them realistic hope to continue in the fight against cancer.