CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

“I knew I had to fight because my little girl needed her father…”

“I knew I had to fight because my little girl needed her father and I was determined to be the father that was one day, walking her down the aisle”. Global Hero of Hope Shaun Terblanche.

Shaun TerblancheCANSA Relay For Life has been part of Shaun’s family and their business lives since it started in Nelspruit – and they have been part of our CANSA family for many years. His family’s security business motivates them to be involved with their community on all levels, and they play a big part in their local community, with his wife actively driving their involvement.

They were the first company to get on-board when CANSA Relay For Life Nelspruit started in 2007, actively serving on the committee and taking responsibility for the safety and security at the event – they entered not only as a family but also as a business.

Every year Shaun was next to the track with his family and staff honouring the cancer survivors – never thinking that at the age of 29 he would be walking the track and be honoured by his family, friends and staff.

Shaun was diagnosed with Astrocytoma Grade 3 Brain tumour. With a young family and the responsibilities of a family business, the 6 weeks of radiation coupled with six months chemo pills was not an easy journey. But his CANSA Relay For Life “family” was there for him, his wife actively continued with the planning for next Relay – believing that Shaun would be walking the track! And what an incredible moment – when he walked past his family and business team – celebrating his survivorship!

Today a 4 year survivor Shaun works hard but also believes in playing hard, and finds great joy in the power and speed of his motorbikes. In his own words: “I see what is important in life now, and life is too short for regrets, it also taught me to be humble and thankful, every day is a gift from God and it should not be taken for granted”.

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