“I am a true believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason”
Global Hero of Hope, Wadiah Salie was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2008 as a result of a yearly check-up and underwent cervical coning. Three months later, by pure chance she rolled over onto her hand during a pillow fight and discovered what felt like a marble inside her breast. A day later she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her treatment included a mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, 6 months of chemotherapy and 9 months of Herceptin. In 2012 Wadiah’s cancer journey restarted – when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, which fortunately could be largely removed. Another day, every day is for her a blessing, and her cancer journey has taught her not to take anything for granted.
Wadiah was introduced to CANSA through a friend and participated in the very first CANSA Relay For Life in Cape Town which was held in Mitchell’s Plain. After one year of behind the scenes fundraising she was asked to join the CANSA Relay For Life Athlone Committee as Survivorship Chairperson. She has an active annual survivorship programme which includes fundraising events together with survivor beach walks.
She became very involved with CANSA and initiated a Shavathon at her workplace, which became very successful and is now in place for three years. She initiated an Annual Breast Cancer Awareness event which is extremely successful in terms of educating and raising funds for survivors. CANSA and her CANSA Relay For Life Staff Partners supports her fully in all her ventures.
Wadiah is a true believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason, she is inspired by the strength, courage and love of live of her fellow survivors and all those she worked with since her cancer journey started.
In her own words: “I am constantly reminded that I AM STRONG ENOUGH and giving up is never an option and with this my life will be forever changed”.