CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

David Lucas: GHOH (Survivor) – The opportunity to change even just one life

David Lucas – Global Hero of Hope (Survivor)

Gauteng, South Africa

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011 and was very fortunate that I was in stage 1 and was amongst the first males in South Africa to have Brachytherapy treatment followed by radiation therapy.

I am still in remission, but personally believe that the cancer is there and therefore I focus on my health and remain aware of my lifestyle. Cancer gave me a second chance and the opportunity to enjoy what life offers, and more than that the opportunity to share my story and be a motivation to other cancer survivors.

CANSA Relay For Life provided me with the opportunity to share my experience and advocate for a cancer free world. I have been an active supporter of Relay For Life events since 2011 when I started assisting with my local event on the West Rand. I have served as a volunteer, walked the track as a survivor and caregiver. CANSA Relay For Life have offered multiple platforms to me to share my personal experience as a cancer survivor and it has been my honour to act as motivational speaker at several Relay For Life events.

Relay For Life is not merely awareness creating but certainly is an inspiring event for those affected by cancer.  Often just the faces of the participants tell the story. The pride of being associated with cancer and CANSA. On a personal level, I can remember seeing how other people relate to cancer at an event. This made me remember my own Grandfather who died at the age of 74 of lung cancer. This event happened in the late 70’s and the realisation of his pain brought me to tears.

I have enjoyed my role in acting as a motivational speaker on virtually all the national television stations, national and regional radio stations, the print media and anywhere I could put forward the image of CANSA, cancer awareness and motivating cancer patients and their loved ones.

I can only think that my diagnosis laid upon my heart the realisation that God wanted me to give back to my community the opportunity to change even just one life. I never imagined that there would be a national footprint with Relay For Life, but I just knew that involvement would be what is right, and God directed. Thus, my involvement was born out of a yearning to be of service and CANSA Relay For Life has been offering me that platform since 2011.

For me it is comforting to know that I have so many dedicated people that will be there to hold my hand.

CANSA meant so much to me and the first piece of advice I give to new cancer patients is to contact CANSA.

Cancer is a journey and gives you an opportunity to make right with God and those around you.

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