CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

“CANSA Relay For Life has become family”

Santana Campobasa

Santana Campobasa – Global Hero of Hope 2019

I was diagnosed with brain cancer when I was four years old. I remember my mom always being there, supporting me and standing strongly at my side during all the treatments.

I was introduced to CANSA Relay For Life ten years ago and started serving on the committee. I feel that Relay is very important to our country because it is an amazing way for communities to unite.

I am very passionate about CANSA Relay For Life because it does not discriminate and it creates a platform for all communities across South Africa to raise awareness about cancer.

Being part of CANSA Relay For Life has greatly enriched my life with the ability to inspire not only others but myself as well. I am very thankful to be able share my story and give other survivors hope and showing them that miracles do exist.

CANSA Relay For Life has become my family and cancer has made me a stronger and more determined person.

Being a CANSA volunteer, I am involved with the CANSA Shavathon as well and can’t wait to do my first CANSA Active event.

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