CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

What would I need to do as a Team Captain?

Recruit a Team -­ gather 10 to 15 of your colleagues to enter a team. Ask them to support you by being a member of your CANSA Relay For Life Corporate team and to help you spread cancer education messages and raise money for CANSA.

Attend Team Captain Meetings -­ Team Captain Meetings give you more information about cancer, CANSA and the CANSA Relay For Life Corporate event. You will receive specific information pertaining to the activities of the Relay. t these meetings you’ll learn about successful fundraising methods that your team can use. Each meeting offers new information. If you are unable to attend a meeting, delegate a team member to attend on your team’s behalf. Please pass information on to your team. (suggest inserting list of dates for team captains meetings here…and also facebook whenever meetings are to be held)

Registration ONLINE -­ once you have recruited your team members, register online. This will indicate that your team is on board and assist the planning committee to prepare for your arrival.

Educate Team Members -­ to get the most out of team members, you will want to educate them about cancer, and the CANSA Relay For Life Corporate event. Share the information you gather at Team Captain Meetings with the group. Invite a cancer survivor to speak about their experience to your team. This will personalise the purpose behind the fight against cancer.

Set a Team Goal -­ help your team to set fundraising goals. Let them talk about their plans for raising money and give guidance from what you have learned at Team Captain Meetings. Write down each team member’s goal and share the overall team goal with the whole group. You raise money as a team, but focus your energy on individual fundraising first.

Determine a theme -­ Several teams enjoy having a theme -­ it helps them determine how their campsite is going to be decorated, their dress code and what they may promote as an on-­site fundraiser. Sometimes your theme may depend on the connection you have with your team members, whether you are team of co-­workers, or family or bunch of friends.

Delegate responsibilities to Team Members -­ the best way to get your teammates to actively participate is to delegate responsibilities to them. Some of the areas of delegations are: Campsite decorations; Team fundraisers; On-­site fundraising; Mission Delivery or Health Promotional Activities; Track walking times; Preparation of team activities; Food preparation during the event.

On-­site activities / entertainment -­ these are being planned just for you. Throughout the night, you and your team members are encouraged to participate in on-­site activities such as: Shavathon (shaving and spraying hair), raffles and many other entertaining activities and entertainers.

Follow-­up with Team Members -­ To ensure that your team meets your overall team goal, you need to follow-­up with your team members regularly to confirm that they are working towards their personal goals.

Encourage Team Members to collect contributions for Luminaria -­ it’s an important part of the fundraising efforts, not to mention a vital part of the Relay event. Collecting luminaria contributions encourages stronger corporate participation in the CANSA Relay For Life Corporate event. Luminaria envelopes and order forms are provided for you and your team members.

What to bring

  • Work colleagues, Networking Contacts, Family and friends
  • Gazebo, sleeping bags, blankets, torches
  • Decorations for your 3m x 5m stand
  • Insect repellent
  • Camping chairs
  • Umbrellas
  • Extra clothing, including socks and shoes
  • Food and drink – a wide variety of food & drink stands will be available on the night.
  • Supplies for on-­site fundraising


Team Size Each corporate team will consist of a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15 members (no exceptions will be allowed). Corporate Teams may be made up of any combination of work colleagues, networking contacts, family and friends. Please note that a team will only be recognised as a team, once full payment or your commitment fee has been made. Just submitting a team registration form does not reserve your place. A limited number of 400 teams will be allowed to participate in this exciting event. Each team is encouraged to raise R2,500-­00 prior to the event, as part of the fundraising for the CANSA Corporate Relay For Life 2014 event.

Training and Support An excited team of volunteers from the Team Recruitment and Development Portfolio, will assist Team Captains with training, ongoing support between now and the event, as well as guidance during the event. YOU (or a representative of your company/business), will be guided every step of the way to ensure this is a hugely successful and FUN, team building exercise for your company/business while making an important contribution to fighting cancer.

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