CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Open Letter: Cancer Is NOT A Death Sentence

Dear Friend,

Ever heard the words “You have cancer”? This is what every cancer patient has to hear.

Can you imagine the fear associated with those three little words? Most people would associate those three words with a death sentence. Cancer is NOT a death sentence, but rather a life sentence; it pushes people to live. To survive!

Can you imagine what those cancer patients have to endure on a daily basis? Neither can I. Cancer never slumbers or sleeps.

After much thought I came up an idea of how to show cancer patients that I can at least try and feel the pain, the suffering and the endurance it must take each patient to fight this disease.

Earlier this year, at the CANSA Relay For Life Rustenburg, I decided to walk 83km in 12 hours throughout the night. (More than 240 times around a track.) That was the least I could do to compare what cancer patients go through on a daily basis.

I have taken the challenge to do it again at the CANSA Relay For Life Corporate on the 19th September 2015, at Denel Sports Grounds, Centurion.

I would like to make life easier for those cancer survivors and the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) has given me the chance to do just that. I became an Activist and created ‘Project 83’ for CANSA Relay for Life Corporate. Why 83km: I came up with the 83km to commemorate CANSA’s 83 years of existence. CANSA and cancer are very important to me, as I have been personally affected by it through close friends and family members who had to battle this horrid disease. I have seen what they had to endure.

But like any cancer patient will tell you, I cannot do it alone. I need your help and encouragement.

Please go and support ‘Project 83’ and leave a message of encouragement for me while I attempt this challenge again. Project 83 A Project for CANSA Relay For Life Corporate (Section 18(A) Tax Certificates are available from CANSA upon request).

Did you know that for every R83 donated, you are assisting in the support of cancer survivors and their families through CANSA’s Support Groups; and for R120 donated, you are helping CANSA produce a CancerCare Coping Kit for a cancer survivor and for every R1300, you are helping CANSA provide lodging, food and transport to and from medical facilities to a cancer patients undergoing treatment away from home.

Please help me raise funds to ease the burden faced by cancer patients by assisting CANSA deliver these services. Please make a donation at Project 83 A Project for CANSA Relay For Life Corporate and leave a message of encouragement for my challenge.

How can you help? I don’t expect anyone to join in my challenge and physically walk 83km in 12 hours. However, if you forward this email to all your contacts and challenge them to either equal your donation or better it, you will be assisting the cancer survivors in your circle. Cancer will affect one in four South Africans either by a family member, friend or themselves being diagnosed.


Jacques Prinsloo


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