CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

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Inaugural CANSA Hope Picnic hosted in Mbombela

The first ever CANSA Hope picnic was introduced by the CANSA Relay For Life Mbombela (Nelspruit) committee. This enchanting night picnic took place on 8 March at the Lowveld Botanical Gardens with the gates open from 18:00 to 22:00.

Luminaria bags lined the entrance path leading the picnic goers to the hope garden. These beautiful bags were individually decorated with powerful personal dedications to remember those who lost their battle against cancer or honour those brave fighters still fighting, or to express gratitude to a caregiver for their support to a cancer survivor.

The 54 Survivors were the focus of the CANSA Hope Picnic and were led down the lit-up pathway, accompanied by their caregivers and were seated next to the stage with the choice of either sitting at the table or sitting, picnic style on the colourful pillows and blankets provided.

At the opening ceremony, Christelle Strauss, Global Hero of Hope, told her inspiring journey with cancer and how CANSA became her extended family. This was followed by the reading of the Relay Oath and the CANSA Hope Picnic was declared open.

The 300 CANSA Hope Picnic goers brought chairs, blankets and packed their baskets with picnic food and strolled through the botanical gardens and enjoyed the night air filled with the CANSA Relay For Life atmosphere.

The committee would like to thank the community of Mbombela (Nelspruit) for making the first CANSA Hope Picnic such a huge success.

Click on the photos to enlarge:

(Photos credit to:Quintessential Photography)

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