CANSA Relay For Life

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How can we inspire our passion?

Passionate CANSA Relayers such as you and I, eat, sleep and breathe CANSA Relay For Life. I’m sure we even bleed purple!

But the question is….. How can we inspire others to be as passionate as we are?

Well, I’ve been a part of the global movement called Relay For Life for eight years now, and my fire is still burning deep within. I have learned a tremendous amount about CANSA Relay For Life. While there are still many things to learn, I value these three ideas as must-do practices to have a successful community CANSA Relay For Life:

  1. Love your committee
  2. Stay organised
  3. Act like CANSA Relay For Life is the best event in your community. Because it is!

Love your Committee

Your committee members play a big part in the organising of the CANSA Relay For Life because they love CANSA Relay as much as you do.

Think about when your CANSA Relay For Life staff partner, family, friends, work colleagues, community members thank you for all you do for CANSA Relay For Life. It makes you feel good and inspires you to work harder! CANSA Relay can’t be done alone. You need your committee and you need to love them for it.

Take time out of weekly or monthly meetings to share mission moments with each other so that you can connect on personal levels and learn why each one of you Relay. (This is a great way to ensure you organise a special experience; not an event.)

Take time having dinner together at a meeting or go to other fundraising events as a team to ensure good team spirit.

What about all those committee meetings? Make them fun. Don’t be too serious.

Keep meetings organised and ensure that each and every member knows exactly what is expected of them and by when it needs to be done.

Be there for one another. Stay in contact. Connect. Most of all, have fun as one big purple family. Be proud to be part of a committee that is as passionate about your CANSA Relay For Life as you are.

Stay organised!

Whether you like it or not, you have to stay organised whilst planning a CANSA Relay For Life! Make proper use of all useful tools that are available such as the CANSA and the CANSA Relay For Life websites; CANSA Relay For Life 28 day report; and other documents that are available on our CANSA Relay For Life website. Don’t be shy to ask your CANSA Relay For Life staff partner for further assistance or documents to help keep you organised. Make use of registration forms and the CANSA Relay For Life event timelines.

If your CANSA Relay for Life is roughly planned out in the beginning, (starting your planning 6 months before the date of your event is a safe start) it gives you so much more time to make the most of your event rather than to scramble it all into the last month leading up to the date of your CANSA Relay For Life. Time management is everything. It ensures that you have successful event that keeps your community engaged all year around.

Set goals for your event on budgets, teams, Survivors etc, to help you to stay focused.

Also try category lists such as ‘Done’, ‘To do’, and ‘Difficulties’; and send these lists to your committee members twice a week so that everyone can see what is still outstanding; who is doing what; and where they can help.

Act like CANSA Relay For Life is the best event in your community!

I don’t know about you, but I am convinced that CANSA Relay For Life is the best movement in the whole world! So, I make sure that everyone knows exactly how I feel about it – daily! Do you do the same?

Whether your community consists of one hundred or thousands of people, every single person that you are in contact with should know exactly what CANSA Relay For Life is and when your event is taking place.

Make every Friday a ‘Purple Friday’ in your town. Post regularly on your facebook page, local newspapers and websites about CANSA Relay For Life. Don’t ever miss an opportunity to sell. Someone somewhere needs you! Get the influential people in your community on board and use them to help be the voice for your CANSA Relay For Life event.

Make use of our other pre-events, such as CANSA Bark For Life and CANSA Relay Recess to help spread the word.

Whatever you do, stay proud,stay strong and keep those purple hearts beating! Your community needs you.

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