CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

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CANSA Relay For Life – Polokwane

Luminaria 008The 2013 CANSA Relay For Life Polokwane will take place at the Old Peter Mokaba Stadium on     Friday 11 October 2013, from 18:00 to 06:00 the following morning.

The Mayor of Polokwane, Mr Freddy Greaver will open the event for us. The very first lap (the opening ceremony) will be taken by the Survivors and with the second lap the Care Givers will join them. The third lap will see all the teams on the track, and then the fun starts! Throughout the night, we will have a “Fight Back” ceremony where we will make pledges to hang on “The Tree of Life”, to show that we are fighting to get rid of this terrible disease. The Luminaria ceremony will take place at around 8pm. All the luminaria bags will be put out around the track and only the candles will be burning during this ceremony. Everybody will be silent, as we think of our loved ones who are not with us anymore.

This year the entertainment promises to be awesome! We will have a “Zumba-thon”, try our best at the “Flash Mop” and enjoy some artists, dancers, gymnasts and a whole lot more.

The different Rotary Clubs of Polokwane will make sure that there is enough food and drink available for everybody right through the night! Wimpy will be there – so make sure that you bring bags of money to help you through the night! Braai packs will also be available for those of you we wish to take a break from walking the track, and prepare your own food.

RelayPics1 051Remember: Relay For Life is mainly a celebration of Survivors and of course a fund raiser! There for we will do our best to have  everything there that you might need to help you through the night – at a price! All for a good course. There will be beanies and “blankies” for sale as well.

The time to enter your team is NOW! This is the ideal opportunity to do fun stuff together with colleagues, friends and family. A great team-building opportunity, and your company can show their support for the community. Put up a gazebo, do as much branding as possible, and support CANSA!

For more information please phone Janie Wierenga on 0823762755 or send an e-mail to

You can also get your entry forms and luminaria bags at the Theunis Fichardt Hospitium in College Street, Polokwane.

Let’s make Relay 2013 bigger and better than ever before!

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