CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

At Relay

Dedicated Relay For Life volunteers are committed to fighting cancer in their communities all year-round, but once a year, they gather at Relay For Life to celebrate survivors and caregivers, remember loved ones lost and to gain inspiration for the fight. They invite members of their community to join them.

Relay For Life is a fun-filled, overnight event that mobilizes communities to celebrate survivors (anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer), remember loved ones and raise money for the fight against cancer. Teams of 12 to 15 members gather with tents and sleeping bags with the goal of keeping one person on the track at all times. Teams often dress up according to themes and have a lot of fun and spirit.

Relay For Life brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, churches – people from all walks of life. Teams seek sponsorship prior to the Relay, all with the goal of eliminating cancer.

Relay For Life opens as cancer survivors take the first lap. This emotional time sets the stage for the importance of each participant’s contribution.  A festive atmosphere always develops as participants make new friends and spend time with old ones. Highlighting the evening is a Luminaria Ceremony of Hope held after dark to honour cancer survivors and to remember loved ones lost to cancer.  The luminaria candles line the track and are left burning throughout the night to remind participants of the incredible importance of their contributions. The paper bags containing the candles are filled with photo’s and messages to loved ones who have passed on.

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