CANSA Relay For Life

Fight Back

The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

For Team Captains

CANSA Relay For Life is an overnight event consisting of teams of 10 to 15 people walking around a track, with at least one team member on the track at all times during the event.

Teams spend much of the time listening to music and enjoying other entertainment,  camping out with of family, friends, neighbours and co-workers. Relay For Life is a great team building opportunity.

Each team has a Team Captain to represent their team at meetings and also liaise with the committee. The Team Captain organises and delegates the team’s fundraising events throughout the year and is also responsible for the team’s participation in events on the night of your Relay.

People camp out to raise funds for cancer awareness through team commitment fees; team and individual fundraising; luminaria donations; food sales and sponsorships.

Read more about team fundraising ideas.

Read more about team on site fundraising ideas.

Read more about Team Captains Responsibilities

Create a online fundraising page your team.

Find a Relay close to you and enrol your team today!

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